Embellished Circus


visual diary keeping

i have been working a lot in my little moleskine journals. mostly, i have been doing ballpoint pen drawings which i then watercolor. i just finished Coronary Mole, which is a journal i worked on by myself. you can find other journals which are collaborative if you look at my user info over on my livejournal, including Draw in Me, a collaborative journal with Amy of EC. also, her journal which she is collaborating with me on is Experimental Voyager which is located right here on Blogger. xox nicci


  • journals can be scary... there's hardly anything more daunting than a bunch of plain pages staring you in the face! and then once you start, it's annoying when you have trouble with a page! =>
    still, you can always keep them closed if you make things you don't want other people to see. and the best thing? they are portable, and if you get hard covers, the pages protect themselves when they're closed!

    By Blogger nicci, at 3.8.06  

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