Embellished Circus


process pix

How many of you take process photos as you work on a piece? I think it can be incredibly helpful if you ever want to show someone a particular technique, but also to myself, to see when I made certain choices, and where I might have gone a different path (ie, where I really should have stopped! lol!).

This painting is acrylic + medium on 19x19 inch stretched canvas, in progress & unfinished. I started it the other day when I was feeling particularly uninspired, and hadn't been for a couple weeks. A friend posted in her blog she was feeling the same. I decided the only way to get past it was to put a sharpie to work on a pristine stretched canvas. You can see the first line I made in the upper left picture.

From there I just drew as I felt, without regard for the fact that I was setting down bold black lines that it takes several layers of acrylic to cover, or the fact that it was a 19x19 inch stretched canvas. Sometimes you just have to use your materials, regardless of how 'important' you think the work you put on them should be.

I am not giving myself any rules for the work I do in the next weeks before graduate school, because there are certainly going to be enough constraints on me there. I just make work now. And I do my best to keep track of it as I go. A process shot from a painting I change may give me inspiration for another. Who knows!


  • I don't think I have photographed a work-in-progress more than once or twice...I should do so more often! This is so interesting! And the work is SO cool!

    By Blogger nici, at 18.8.06  

  • I tend to get too caught up in the process to take process pictures and I always regret it.

    Grad school is nothing but rules and hoops and dogs and ponies, so enjoy your last remaining weeks of freedom.

    By Blogger Zhenia, at 20.8.06  

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