Embellished Circus


Happy Feet!

This may qualify more as craft than art . . .

But the socks are finally finished!

Or is that all an artificial distinction??

Does it help if one knows the model is nude except for the socks in question? Could we call it a "mobile conceptual installation with organic components?"

Ah well. Happy feet in their new duds. 'sall good.


  • Nice socks! How do you keep the mojo going to knit the second sock? There are quite a few matchless hand-knitted socks in this house and they keep crying that they're lonely.

    By Blogger Zhenia, at 17.5.07  

  • Love the socks.
    What yarn did you use?
    I have a fondness for Lauras Laces myself. ;)
    And of course they are "crafty"!

    By Blogger mcdc3s, at 17.5.07  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger mcdc3s, at 17.5.07  

  • This pair is Regia Ringel. I, uhm, fell in love with self-striping yarns, and being the obsessive type, I now have enough to outfit a very funky army . . .

    Second sock mojo? I find casting on RIGHT AWAY (I mena, like within MINUTES of casting off the first) keeps me going. The two socks kind of morph into one ginormous sock, and then it's like a little surprise to find I really DO have two!

    By Blogger Spike, at 17.5.07  

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