Embellished Circus


working on that BIRD skinny book thang

so i'm working on these pages for the BIRD themed book. i decided that nowhere on the page would i drawn an actual bird. this is pre-bird. or post-bird, depending on how you view that age old argument.

i'm not sure how i feel about them just yet. i feel that something may be missing. i'm going to live with them for a while before i decide. lots of hours of work, and i haven't even started on the backs! these are all different, but i chose to post this particular one because it's my fav. you can see one more in progress over on my livejournal: http://nicci.livejournal.com/

materials: watercolor, dictionary pages, aluminum tape, india ink, hand carved stamp, pigment based ink, gel pen, oil based sharpie, black label tape, tags, & metallic pens on watercolor bristol board.

thoughts? inspirational images to check out? anyone else working on this willing to post progress work? xox


  • Cool N!
    I am going to start tomorrow... at least cutting the paper. ;)
    Going to check out your blog now.

    By Blogger mcdc3s, at 15.5.07  

  • Awesome Nicci! Love the strong colors and the mix of media. I hope others will post as well.

    By Blogger CarolCot, at 16.5.07  

  • I love your colours. I totally understand what you're saying about feeling like there's something missing. The top and the bottom feel out of synch with one another.

    By Blogger Zhenia, at 16.5.07  

  • You asked for thoughts, so here's my thought...I think it needs a bird...not a short, fat bird with feathers, but a tall, skinny bird drawn with one continuous line. It's just a thought, though :D. I LoVe the colour and the dotted egg!

    By Blogger Penny, at 22.5.07  

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